...takto pokracovalo247 views3 commentsPatrikstrasse11/05/08 at 12:14pietro: hm ta co sak si vytupil, obratil na kolecka a fica...
SKYLINE185 views7 commentsPatrikstrasse09/04/08 at 19:16Luky: ale sak karbon musel dat ked chcel abi islo richlo
Toto sa stalo ked som v 300km/h narazil do auta227 views5 commentsPatrikstrasse07/30/08 at 21:29punisher1911: teraz neviem ci to je auto alebo nuklearna bomba 3...
Takto to zacalo...259 views5 commentsPatrikstrasse07/30/08 at 21:26punisher1911: 5*
Dodge DECENT TUNING162 views2 commentsPatrikstrasse07/30/08 at 21:26punisher1911: 4*
Porsche202 views2 commentsPatrikstrasse07/30/08 at 21:25punisher1911: stare a da sa to v pohode zrobyt taze nic s toho ...
Mustang GT235 views4 commentsPatrikstrasse07/30/08 at 21:24punisher1911: 4*
158 views3 commentsPatrikstrasse07/30/08 at 21:23punisher1911: toto auto sa da tunyngovat