Need for Speed Galéria

Last comments - NFS Wonder
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 17:41besttuning: ti vole v eveninge to svetlo na ceste je nenormaln...
porsche GT-2 .jpg
350zetkar799 views20 comments350zetkar07/18/08 at 17:38Skalli: pěkné porsche.....5*
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 17:37Skalli: tak to je bombastické Shocked Shocked 5*
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 17:29wegeta: aaaaaa teraz po zveceni som si vsimol ze si tam da...
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 17:23Tom!k: pekne
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:22Tom!k: no krasa:-) Wink
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 17:21SCRATT: súhlasí­m s tebou rezeň, niektoré miesta sú prázdn...
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:20SCRATT: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked 5* jednoznačn...
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 17:16Ku3o: nie Laughing jha spravim musim naberat skusenosti a...
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 17:14jhony: a prepokladám že všetci budete chcieť aby som ja s...
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:11jhony: lol ty svetla žlté mám Z porsche super cup...ja to...
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:09M4Ni4C: to je porsatko za 5*
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:04Dede: 5*
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:04Ku3o: Laughing neni to o tom ale svetla videli u mna a pot...
wegeta672 views16 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 17:04Matt: akor som vravel to energizer mi tam moc nesedi ale...
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350zetkar799 views20 comments350zetkar07/18/08 at 16:42wegeta: fakt bomba ale u mna su na 1. mieste johny a ku3o ...
jhony804 views17 commentsjhony07/18/08 at 16:41wegeta: tez krasne 5*
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:40Ku3o: very nice 5*
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 16:39Ku3o: oks thx mani a R1ek ja si myslim ze by sa to dalo ...
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:39wegeta: pekne dobre ze si tam dal aj tie tiene tej hviezd...
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:37R1zeK: Mne sa páči.... Wink I keč niektoré miesta mi pr...
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 16:36wegeta: jak som vravel je to bomba Wink
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350zetkar799 views20 comments350zetkar07/18/08 at 16:35street_racer: ten odraz je divný... ale je to bomba Shocked 555*...
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 16:33street_racer: ppc 5* Shocked
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 16:33Dexy: s takeho dacoho ma bubak radost asi Laughing uz mna...
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:27street_racer: pekne
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:18Dede: pekne
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:14350zetkar: v jednoduchosti je krasa Wink mozno ine disky Wink
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:12Clay: sory, ale acura je také hnusné auto Confused ten blbý ...
Matt617 views13 commentsMatt07/18/08 at 16:12r7b20_72: pecka farba mno proste cele pecka 5*
wegeta619 views19 commentswegeta07/18/08 at 16:08350zetkar: perfecto 5*
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Ku3o1148 views27 commentsKu3o07/18/08 at 16:06350zetkar: mozno niekedy v buducnosti urcite r1zek...ak sa na...
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