DRGY625 views19 commentsDRGY10/20/08 at 09:18DriftKing: jj pekne 5*...
SKING613 views14 commentsSKING10/20/08 at 08:37Crack-Bride: s kridlom cize drift ?
julo623 views21 commentsjullo10/20/08 at 06:14SKING: ten vynil je dobri skvor by som dal auto inej farb...
DriftKing516 views9 commentsDriftKing10/20/08 at 06:12SKING: ma to svoj styl a je to celkom dobre davam 5* :rol...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/20/08 at 06:09SKING: mne sa to strasne lubi mozno by som dal ine k...
DRGY625 views19 commentsDRGY10/19/08 at 22:55Kubason: právě ten decal brembo to tak nějak doplňuje
DRGY625 views19 commentsDRGY10/19/08 at 21:54street_racer: jj pekné... 5*
rybco512 views6 commentsrybco10/19/08 at 21:08Kubason: zas tak horzný to není...3,7*
rybco512 views6 commentsrybco10/19/08 at 20:56m27: 2*
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 20:37FuroL8: to BBS mi tam nepasuje ... ale inac je to celkovo ...
8. NFS Pro Street Wonder - Volkswagen R32 (Golf V R32 "2006") - FAQ & Pravidlá uploadovania sútažných aút Skupiny C2. 492 views7 commentsBubak10/19/08 at 20:33street_racer: Natália Pičuškinková
8. NFS ProStreet Wonder - íšvod 449 views8 commentsBubak10/19/08 at 20:30street_racer: jj súhlas s m27 ohľadom anonymity
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 20:15wegeta: noooooo konecne VALAR posli mi tvoju foto (ak moze...
rybco512 views6 commentsrybco10/19/08 at 20:15rybco: sorka sekol som sa....tak aspon okomentujte auto p...
rybco512 views6 commentsrybco10/19/08 at 20:14wegeta: to je tvoje meno ::::::::::. R32.::::::::::: ...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 20:13Valar: mnoo to BBS ee, ale aj tak dam 4* kvoli, no nesedi...
DRGY625 views19 commentsDRGY10/19/08 at 20:02DRGY: jaj ta uz som pochopil
Ye3k0524 views9 commentsKulty10/19/08 at 20:01Crack-Bride: nehovorim ze je to zle ale spravil by ty to i ten ...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 19:42miro423: zaujimavee velmi zaujimave 5* ROMAAALEE ano.....
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 19:38ASTEK: asi ho ukradli romales
DRGY625 views19 commentsDRGY10/19/08 at 19:37jhony: DRGY vieš čo to je no1 NUMBER ONE to znamená zati...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 19:36kenny: neviete kde je zasa Dede?...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 19:32DRGY: 5*
DRGY625 views19 commentsDRGY10/19/08 at 19:30DRGY: no diky........... crazy mc preco 1
MC_Marty481 views3 commentsMarty10/19/08 at 19:15jullo: neni zle ale to kridlo
Kubason544 views13 commentsKubason10/19/08 at 19:14jullo: ^^^^^agree
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 19:13Ku3o: dal by som body posledne inac fakt krasne 5*
MC_Marty481 views3 commentsMarty10/19/08 at 19:10wegeta: neni zle
Kubason544 views13 commentsKubason10/19/08 at 19:07wegeta: ze egyptske toto sa hodi ked us na japana a...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 19:07jullo: ticho ticho hej? ja vyhram ...
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 18:58Matt: krasa5*
wegeta561 views21 commentswegeta10/19/08 at 18:57350zetkar: ....pekne.....uvidime ake auta budu dalej