Need for Speed Galéria

Last comments - NFS Wonder
miro423639 views21 commentsmiro42311/17/08 at 17:56M0M00: Arrow S@M antituneri urobia dve auta a uz su kin...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:55M0M00: no, velmi pekna praca a sa mi paci ze si zmenil ti...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:50Oxygen: Mr. Green Mr. Green problem je v tom ze tento pred...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:46m_Design: mohol si zrobit screen z predu z body ktore ma naj...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:42Oxygen: no m_Design ale zober si to tak ,stock a stock aut...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:39m_Design: farba vinyl setko sa mi paci aj kola... ale ten bo...
Drifter3453 views9 commentsdrifter311/17/08 at 17:30Oxygen: pekne ale dal by som mensie disky a trosku pozerat...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:28spirit1232: nice...a jak řekl m27 ty disky předti byly lepši
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:27Oxygen: Mr speed46 a co si cakal od ludi co su plateny za ...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:24Valar: Wink 5*
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:24Mr. SPEED>>46: no to hej a to undercover nie je ziadna zmena Neutral
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:20hanT: fajne az na to body:mrgreen:
miro423639 views21 commentsmiro42311/17/08 at 17:18fonzi86: ja nemôzem 5
Drifter3453 views9 commentsdrifter311/17/08 at 17:17drifter3: ci pana nepiste mi tu radsej take komentare Very Happy so...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:15Oxygen: Mr. SPEED46 jj bohuzial zdny bump je zly lebo sa s...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:15pipo: Shocked
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:13FuroL8: takto je to pekne Exclamation 5*
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:13Mr. SPEED>>46: ten zadny bump je uplne hnusny Rolling Eyes aspon...
Drifter3453 views9 commentsdrifter311/17/08 at 17:13Dede: Crying or Very sad
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:12Oxygen: huba plna reci a nevie ani ani tunit magor
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street_racer622 views23 commentsstreet_racer11/17/08 at 17:11kwpunit: Veľa dobré Shocked 5*** Perfecto!
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:11Maco529: ziadna slava Neutral
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:09kwpunit: 5* Shocked Ja asi zle vidí­m Shocked
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:06m27: ja som myslel tie hviezdicky vlavo hore ze su nea...
Drifter3453 views9 commentsdrifter311/17/08 at 17:05hanT: nahodou pekne...zadny disk mensi
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:05Oxygen: no co m27 nemal som tam co dat a chcel som aby ta ...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:03m27: ale tie hviezdicky v pres Mr. Green
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 17:02Dede: Wink pekne
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 16:59street_racer: normálne sa teší­m na hlasovanie.. koho skôr dať :...
miro423639 views21 commentsmiro42311/17/08 at 16:59S@M: to je o tom ako sa clovek paru dobrymi autami doka...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 16:59m27: fajna kurvette a tie kola boli lepsie aspon si ich...
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Oxygen638 views32 commentsOxygen11/17/08 at 16:56S@M: dost dobre to vyzera.. akurat chlapci a dievcata z...
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