Need for Speed Galéria

Last comments - NFS Wonder
Street560 views4 commentsStreet12/08/08 at 15:28mayoor: auto sa mi nepaci sry 2*
Sway701 views19 commentsSway12/08/08 at 15:25wegeta: este ze si Presiel Laughing to by bola hamba :mrgre...
Sway701 views19 commentsSway12/08/08 at 15:15m27: krí­dlo ee
Sway701 views19 commentsSway12/08/08 at 15:06M0M00: no tak u mna numero one je letec aj ked sa asi nez...
Street560 views4 commentsStreet12/08/08 at 15:05Travis199: mno kukam ze mas brutalny framerate Laughing ale au...
Sway701 views19 commentsSway12/08/08 at 14:26letec_de_haluz: aj ja mam auto ale nemozem sutazit bo je orezane t...
Sway701 views19 commentsSway12/08/08 at 13:52DriftKing: ty máš takú peknú grafiku aj keč je to v JPG, mne...
Sway701 views19 commentsSway12/08/08 at 13:50kenny: Hmmmm Cool
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 23:451911: super to je
Jerino6614 views4 commentsJerino612/07/08 at 23:431911: Shocked
Jerino6614 views4 commentsJerino612/07/08 at 23:22Lancer: ano je velmi pekna Smile mne sa paci Cool
Jerino6614 views4 commentsJerino612/07/08 at 23:16m27: podobnú mám v garáži len jedovato zelenú s karbí³n...
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 22:26Lancer: vynil aj farebne velmi pekne ... ale vadi mi kridl...
speed 2008-02-27 18-01-08-31.JPG
4. NFS Most Wanted Wonder - íšvod
557 views9 commentsBubak12/07/08 at 22:25Lancer: dalsie kolo ? jednoznacne MITSUBISHI EVO ... pls ...
m27683 views14 commentsm2712/07/08 at 22:24Lancer: jednoduche veci sa mi pacia...tak ako aj tato rx8c...
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 22:22Street: krasa 5*
Lancer586 views9 commentsLancer12/07/08 at 22:22Lancer: v MW su dost trapne body si myslim ... keby som ta...
mayoor550 views7 commentsMayoor12/07/08 at 22:21Street: 4*
mayoor550 views7 commentsMayoor12/07/08 at 22:07hekerpivo: nejako extra sa mi nepaci ale znesiem 4*
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:59hekerpivo: no fakt nemam sancu ked sa kukam este raz...teste ...
mayoor550 views7 commentsMayoor12/07/08 at 21:55spirit1232: jj maš m27 Wink Laughing ...jinak tato rx8 je pěkná.....
mayoor550 views7 commentsMayoor12/07/08 at 21:53m27: mne sa páči neviem či mám na MW divný vkus ale p...
mayoor550 views7 commentsMayoor12/07/08 at 21:48Oxygen: kridlo a decaly ,chlape si na lepsej ceste k tunin...
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:45m27: nie mne sa to váže páči Wink
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:13Remo: inokedy naozaj hnusne kridlo tu sekne jak rit na s...
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:13Bendy: Laughing mno uwidime Laughing Laughing
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:11spirit1232: m27 je určitě vožralej a zejtra rano se bude chyt...
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:05Bendy: newadi ale ked mi to chwali m27 nemoze to byt az t...
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:04spirit1232: mě je to jedno...muj názor se tim neměni Wink
spirit1232531 views6 commentsspirit123212/07/08 at 21:04spirit1232: a proč zrovna 3.87 a ne např 3.86?
speed 2008-12-07 19-25-47-67.jpg
Bendy694 views28 commentsBendy12/07/08 at 21:03Bendy: mno widis to spirit m27 sa paci najwiac Laughing to s...
spirit1232531 views6 commentsspirit123212/07/08 at 21:02m27: tá pásomnica sa mi nepáči a ani spoiler... sry 3....
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