Need for Speed Galéria

Last comments - Prado's Gallery
Lancer Evolution VIII.JPG
Lancer Evolution V///132 views6 commentsPrado02/28/09 at 20:36sparcos: 0 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj uplne hnusne Embarrassed...
Lancer Evolution VIII.JPG
Lancer Evolution V///132 views6 commentsPrado08/10/08 at 11:05Luky: dobre
Nissan Skyline154 views2 commentsPrado10/26/07 at 16:47[hunt]_sVk: o nicom 1* Wink
Nissan Skyline154 views2 commentsPrado08/11/07 at 17:55Kampo: bodujem 0* a komentujem
Lotus Elise (2).JPG
Lotus Elise212 views3 commentsPrado07/11/07 at 21:45Prado: okey dam tam iny vynil dobre?
Lotus Elise (2).JPG
Lotus Elise212 views3 commentsPrado07/10/07 at 15:43M1nG: myslí­m, že farby sú zladené hrozne Neutral
Lotus Elise (3).JPG
Lotus Elise159 views1 commentsPrado07/09/07 at 13:41r7b20_72: nepekne
Lotus Elise (2).JPG
Lotus Elise212 views3 commentsPrado07/09/07 at 11:26kenny: no na tomto je komentar velmo lahky bo tie farby d...
Dodge Viper~3.JPG
Dodge Viper132 views2 commentsPrado07/08/07 at 11:04Prado: dik Smile snazil som sa
Dodge Viper~3.JPG
Dodge Viper132 views2 commentsPrado07/08/07 at 07:53FFeri: super!!
Nissan 350Z~0.JPG
Nissan 350Z133 views2 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 18:47chipso: ja dam 5 bo sa mi paci
Dodge Viper~2.JPG
Dodge Viper158 views6 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 18:46rado682: tak dlho?? Shocked nechyba ti nahodou medzi 4 a 5...
Nissan 350Z~0.JPG
Nissan 350Z133 views2 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 18:31M0M00: moze byt 4*
Dodge Viper~2.JPG
Dodge Viper158 views6 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 16:32Prado: a co sa vam natom nepaci? preco ste nenapisali? ! ...
Dodge Viper~2.JPG
Dodge Viper158 views6 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 16:15nitrus: 45 min??? sry ja by som to mal za 5 min
Dodge Viper~2.JPG
Dodge Viper158 views6 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 13:23Rust: keby ze to trosku premakas....ale pekne farby Smile
Dodge Viper~2.JPG
Dodge Viper158 views6 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 13:00IGOR: mne sa to ani nepaci ale davam 2 *
Dodge Viper~2.JPG
Dodge Viper158 views6 commentsPrado07/07/07 at 12:09M0M00: fuj 0*
Mix Mazda RX-8.JPG
Mazda RX-8 139 views5 commentsPrado07/06/07 at 16:57brembo: sak ves kolko roboty da carbon? kym poremiesnujes ...
Lancer Evolution VIII.JPG
Lancer Evolution V///132 views6 commentsPrado07/06/07 at 15:48Prado: v poho
Lancer Evolution VIII.JPG
Lancer Evolution V///132 views6 commentsPrado07/06/07 at 15:37M1nG: mne sa nepáči sorry... Neutral
Lancer Evolution VIII.JPG
Lancer Evolution V///132 views6 commentsPrado07/06/07 at 15:35Prado: ale ňo Very Happy ten kit sa tam podla mna HODI aj to krid...
Lancer Evolution VIII.JPG
Lancer Evolution V///132 views6 commentsPrado07/06/07 at 15:34M0M00: 4 za to kridlo a kit
Mix Mazda RX-8.JPG
Mazda RX-8 139 views5 commentsPrado07/06/07 at 09:36Prado: hh sak hej, aj ja si myslim
Mix Mazda RX-8.JPG
Mazda RX-8 139 views5 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 23:51letec_de_haluz: u2? nic zlozite
Mix Mazda RX-8.JPG
Mazda RX-8 139 views5 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 19:32Prado: Hej, no predved sa !!! z Wantedu alebo z Carbonu j...
Mix Mazda RX-8.JPG
Mazda RX-8 139 views5 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 18:00S1mon: Musi byt z U2 ? Lebo ta mi uz nejak nefacha.
350Z (8).JPG
350Z99 views4 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 14:41Prado: ja som PRAVDILA cital !
350Z (8).JPG
350Z99 views4 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 13:37Razor BMW M3 GTR: si precitaj pravidla a potom hovor ze kazdy pohlad...
350Z (8).JPG
350Z99 views4 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 13:28Prado: sak kazdy pohlad musi byt ne? Very Happy
350Z (4).JPG
350Z107 views2 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 13:20Prado: ked myslis
350Z (8).JPG
350Z99 views4 commentsPrado07/05/07 at 13:18Razor BMW M3 GTR: naco sem davas7 obrazkov toho isteho auta omg :rol...
33 files on 2 page(s) 1