Need for Speed Galéria

Last comments - Plazer's Gallery
LEXUS IS 300251 views6 commentsPlazer01/25/08 at 11:30Plazer: davate za 4* za 3* aja tam vidim ze ziadne hodnoce...
LEXUS IS 300251 views6 commentsPlazer01/25/08 at 11:26Oxygen: bodykit , kapota je zla Confused tev ,,vysavac" da...
LEXUS IS 300251 views6 commentsPlazer01/25/08 at 11:26street_racer: newidim toho wela ...akurat kapotu (celkom ujde).....
4- 6- 2007_18-07-53.jpg
AUTO140 views2 commentsPlazer01/25/08 at 10:12Plazer: hodntote
333 views2 commentsPlazer01/21/08 at 17:27Plazer: to mam nanovo rozohratu kampan a tot je mi 1car
333 views2 commentsPlazer01/21/08 at 15:04Dede_7: noooo toto neni bohviečo ale zato že je to Most W...
4- 6- 2007_18-07-53.jpg
AUTO140 views2 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 21:59*911*: ty kkt...tak toto je rjadny hnus Exclamation Exclamation ako vazn...
5- 6- 2007_13-58-13.jpg
231 views2 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 21:58*911*: najkrajsi je tam ten kurzor Confused
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 21:56*911*: take je to "suchee"...farba na toto auto...
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177 views2 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 21:53*911*: tak si to auto pokazil tym nic moc.....
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207 views3 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 21:52*911*: vinil sa mi nepaci...kridlo to nechapem absoluutne...
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207 views3 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 16:30Plazer: prosim aj hodnotenie dede ked aj nulu ked musis :...
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177 views2 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 13:38Dede_7: to iste čo som napisal aj na mercedes
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207 views3 commentsPlazer01/19/08 at 13:37Dede_7: nič moc
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/17/08 at 23:37Plazer: a aky by som mal dat??
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/13/08 at 13:05Mouse: hnusnej bodykit 2*
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galardo182 views3 commentsPlazer01/12/08 at 23:51Plazer: ok tvoj nazor berem ale hodnote ked aj nulou
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/12/08 at 18:10Plazer: ok sak tvoj nazor berem a mozes aj podotkunut co s...
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/12/08 at 16:11*911*: mne sa neluuby..
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AUTO187 views3 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 22:42Plazer: vole
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mustang180 views3 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 22:40Plazer: co ja viem
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 22:39Plazer: dikes
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lancer171 views3 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 20:51*911*: netunuj to viac...zle ti radi...kapota a kridlo st...
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galardo182 views3 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 20:49*911*: to kridlo je tam blbee Crying or Very sad a auto celkovo nic mo...
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lancer171 views3 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 19:23xawer: skus ho viacej stunovat Confused myslim tym kridlo,kapo...
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GT199 views7 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 19:21xawer: celkom pekne Wink 5*
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mustang180 views3 commentsPlazer01/11/08 at 16:16drifter3: ten tu uz bol ne?
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AUTO187 views3 commentsPlazer01/09/08 at 21:47Drobec: nanic fuuuuuuuuuj dam ti rovnych 5 heheh Very Happy Very Happy
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AUTO187 views3 commentsPlazer01/09/08 at 21:46Plazer: hodnote
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231 views2 commentsPlazer06/05/07 at 20:56peci Ä…peci: auto je pekne Wink
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