Nissan 350(Z)33549 views17 commentsdetox01/28/10 at 17:46HKS PolarniK: tak toto sa mi luubi 5*
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:46DriftKing: Dede ///. BLBY PES to čo za otázku? :mr...
Nissan 350(Z)33549 views17 commentsdetox01/28/10 at 17:45DriftKing: ak mám pravdu povedať, tak ten tribal a to číslo...
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 17:43DriftKing: lol tak toto má hodne čaleko od Reemus-ových prác...
--- Dodge Viper STR-10 ---372 views12 commentsDriftKing01/28/10 at 17:41DriftKing: nj zabil, len nechápem ako myslel slovo "dili...
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:33Kulty: Wow velmi sa mi paci poalrnikove takze davam hlas ...
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:31Faggot : HKS btw: ares vypni si light trails a enhance...
Nissan 350(Z)33549 views17 commentsdetox01/28/10 at 17:29Faggot : auto super, pres rovnako nieje zla...
Nissan 350(Z)33549 views17 commentsdetox01/28/10 at 17:29Frankie: press je absolutne super.. auto je tiez vyborne al...
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:27detox: to napravo ale ta kapota ee
Nissan 350(Z)33549 views17 commentsdetox01/28/10 at 17:26Mayoor: no tak AUTO je fajné
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:16Frankie: HKS.. a ares vypni si kontrast
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 17:15Frankie: body, spojler a kapota ina a vynily su tiez pohadz...
Nissan Skyline GT-R moj prvy takyto screen Prosim komentujte277 views10 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 17:14Frankie: super len mensie kola
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:04Ondrej: Pre mňa HKS Polarnik, ale ani Ares 511 nema zle (h...
_-DUEL-_329 views12 commentsares51101/28/10 at 17:03john33: hkspolarnik
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 16:58Kôrker: spek (...) toto mi pripomina ten vynil
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 16:39V-Spec: toto ma od reemusovich prac hodne daleko...
Pomtiac GTO moj druhy vytvor KOmentujte300 views9 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 16:35RYMjePAN: ja mam cs2 ale som sa este v tom nenaucil robit
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 16:35Faggot : Spoon
Nissan Skyline GT-R moj prvy takyto screen Prosim komentujte277 views10 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 16:33RYMjePAN: M0M00 ja beriem ale nemozem zato ze aj na dobrom k...
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 16:28Kôrker: to mi silno pripomina reemusove evo asi Red dragon...
Odkážte svoj kontakt na Pokec 1115 views20 commentsSway01/28/10 at 16:14VIRUS: DragonTuning
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 16:04the_bart: ked to porovnam s tvojimi pracami,je to tvoje najs...
Lancer274 views8 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 16:03Mihal: no spoiler,body kapota stock a bolo by ok
Duel355 views13 commentsFrankie01/28/10 at 16:01Ondra: frankie ma nadherne....vllado ale taky dobry
Nissan Skyline GT-R moj prvy takyto screen Prosim komentujte277 views10 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 15:38M0M00: hrúza ta kvalita omg
Acura R249 views4 commentsBuLLDoG01/28/10 at 15:25Faggot : lepsie ako Reemus sa to nedalo napisat
Nissan Skyline GT-R moj prvy takyto screen Prosim komentujte277 views10 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 15:24Faggot : mne sa paci
Pomtiac GTO moj druhy vytvor KOmentujte300 views9 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 15:24Faggot : tak da sa, ale urcite si zozen photoshop CS4, ak t...
Nissan Skyline GT-R moj prvy takyto screen Prosim komentujte277 views10 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 15:12Kôrker: naajs com provokujete z ug2 ja to zhanam...
Pomtiac GTO moj druhy vytvor KOmentujte300 views9 commentsRYMjePAN01/28/10 at 15:10Kôrker: pocuj photofiltre je dobre ako taky slabi PS a lep...