Camaro SS Edition FIRE2252 views5 commentsLancer07/19/06 at 11:36DIEGO: kebyze su ine disky tak by to bola bomba ale odmys...
304 views8 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 11:26DIEGO: cak on je pomalsi jak 2.het.
od smiechu som az omodrel163 views9 commentsDIEGO07/19/06 at 11:20DIEGO: nechce ma nahodou chytit
266 views12 commentsMysho07/19/06 at 11:18DIEGO: nadhera tiez za 5*
266 views12 commentsMysho07/19/06 at 11:08wemenko: ty kokso za 5*
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 11:05Rust: nic extra....??a co je potom moja GeForce PCX5750?...
CTS my version:Dnetunovatelne auto.....tak som sa s nim torchu pobil....:)neje to nic xtra ale snazil som sa:)270 views7 commentsRust07/19/06 at 11:01Rust: tak som mal dat tie disky zlate??? skusim zmen...
podľa mňa není škaredá........ 194 views5 commentskikso1107/19/06 at 10:40Mysho: za 3* u mna
RX-8165 views2 commentsSotoro07/19/06 at 10:39Mysho: kridlo je ble
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 10:37Mysho: spat k TT-ecku, mne sa velmi paci je takmer bez ch...
Gallardo1005 views18 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 10:01wemenko: skusim dik
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 09:59wemenko: Kua!!! aj ja mam MSI-cko 6600 GT al...
CTS my version:Dnetunovatelne auto.....tak som sa s nim torchu pobil....:)neje to nic xtra ale snazil som sa:)270 views7 commentsRust07/19/06 at 09:55wemenko: ja len jednu poznamku. podla mna tie disky mal...
Camaro SS Edition FIRE2252 views5 commentsLancer07/19/06 at 07:37mtk01: som velmi podobne videl...ale iba s inymi d...
CTS my version:Dnetunovatelne auto.....tak som sa s nim torchu pobil....:)neje to nic xtra ale snazil som sa:)270 views7 commentsRust07/19/06 at 07:33mtk01: je to v pohode....len toto je auto hrozne velke a ...
268 views7 commentsRust07/19/06 at 04:22VeVe_350Z: presne tak
Camaro SS Edition FIRE2252 views5 commentsLancer07/19/06 at 04:16VeVe_350Z: pekne
350 Z214 views6 commentskuboss07/19/06 at 03:43VeVe_350Z: very, very good, neviem co viac dodat
207 views6 commentskikso1107/19/06 at 03:42VeVe_350Z: len ten vinyl ma v ciernej farbe
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 03:35VeVe_350Z: nic extra uz v dnesnej dobe
162 views6 commentsH4wK07/19/06 at 00:19Rust: ja tiez ne......Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX je rozohodn...
207 views6 commentskikso1107/19/06 at 00:16Rust: a niekto tu uz podobne ma
350 Z214 views6 commentskuboss07/19/06 at 00:15Rust: konecneeee vidim tu po dlhom case 350Z......moje d...
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 00:14Rust: nic extra???mam tu kartu ta sa ani zenit nemusim :...
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/19/06 at 00:12VeVe_350Z: haha to urcite mam iba MSI 6600GT, takze nic...
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/18/06 at 23:40wemenko: Tak tomu ver. Stavim sa ze okolo Geforce 7800 Gt :...
207 views6 commentskikso1107/18/06 at 23:05kuboss: mne sa moc nepaci sak vidno ze made in slovaki...
RX-7175 views7 commentskuboss07/18/06 at 22:59kuboss: njn mojim cielom bolo spravit daco divne mutantne ...
RX-7175 views7 commentskuboss07/18/06 at 22:51kenny: to je cele fuj !!!!
RX-7175 views7 commentskuboss07/18/06 at 22:49kikso11: farebne je to hrozne ...
RX-7175 views7 commentskuboss07/18/06 at 22:45kuboss: alien vs predator som sa ne tak za...
332 views28 commentsVeVe_350Z07/18/06 at 22:38Peter GTi: Velmi zaujimawe TT-čko, ale zaujimalo by ma aku m...