trochu zmenene camaro361 views8 commentsRebel11/07/06 at 16:22thomaash: po pici dobre 5* ale ta strecha trochu vyssie
337 views8 commentsNerinko11/07/06 at 16:10Baroo: Peknaaaaaaaaaa
trochu zmenene camaro361 views8 commentsRebel11/07/06 at 16:06TWOQAN: tie kolesa su huste
chrysler 300C253 views3 commentsRebel11/07/06 at 16:02sliki: nice
chrysler 300C308 views8 commentsRebel11/07/06 at 16:01sliki: dpc zatial dobre za5* jj huste vidim ze si sa s ty...
trochu zmenene camaro361 views8 commentsRebel11/07/06 at 16:00sliki: co ja vim taka originalka...
trochu zmenene camaro361 views8 commentsRebel11/07/06 at 15:52Czerwik: veľmi znížená strecha
405 views5 commentsHELLBILLY11/07/06 at 15:18Shadow: Czerwik ty nevies tunit mimochodom pekna 350 Z
Strasne dobreeeeeee237 views6 commentsJohan11/07/06 at 14:58Czerwik: už mi tu niečo lezie na nervy!!!! ale pekny Chall...
Toyota Supra 225 views3 commentsRoole11/07/06 at 14:49Roole: a preco 0*?? komu sa to nelubi?? :c...
Zeby som sa ocitol v inom svete???215 views10 commentsFastDevil11/07/06 at 09:21JaromÃr Miko: mne sa to tiez vcera stalo, asi v EA neocakavali z...
405 views5 commentsHELLBILLY11/07/06 at 08:10Czerwik: o ničom kit...
Dodge Charger449 views4 commentsMcM11/07/06 at 08:09Czerwik: ta asi plná... pekný Charger
Dodge Charger449 views4 commentsMcM11/07/06 at 07:45Gorilaz: to je demo?alebo plna
405 views5 commentsHELLBILLY11/07/06 at 07:34Yuatja: whau to jsou supiny ze ? neco jako hadi kuze
327 views4 commentsstranger11/06/06 at 23:57Matuzalem: Fíí-ha parada
Pokus o...294 views1 commentsJohan11/06/06 at 23:47sliki: hh tote whelsi su vrazda...
big power302 views1 commentssliki11/06/06 at 23:11Kuber: krásne spravene auticko
aston301 views2 commentssliki11/06/06 at 23:10Kuber: velmi pekne za 5
nice car383 views3 commentssliki11/06/06 at 22:57Speed:
nice car383 views3 commentssliki11/06/06 at 22:48sliki: asi v 89% mi ho otvorilo v kariere v kar lote...
nice car383 views3 commentssliki11/06/06 at 22:47slovacko: PLS AKO SI PRISIEL K TOMUTO AUTU???
toto je auto338 views1 commentssliki11/06/06 at 22:40wemenko: respect
350-Z zase... :D348 views3 commentssliki11/06/06 at 22:28wemenko:
kola a spoiler jo, ale zbytek ne........více pište na 304 views9 commentsJirka11/06/06 at 22:07BRIDE: Presne tak
Shelby GT500294 views1 commentsS3MP3R_FI11/06/06 at 21:54Marian: mohol bi si ju trochu viacej vylepsit potom ju sem...
7čka od toho japonca som vyhral a len som na tom zmenil dajake veci... 406 views6 commentssliki11/06/06 at 21:53kenny: zaujimave ale zelena sa na tu kaaaaru vyse sikne
ze burnout vinyl307 views1 commentssliki11/06/06 at 21:51Yuatja: tenhle bodykit miluju
...power...364 views5 commentssliki11/06/06 at 21:50kenny: to je morda sa mi velmi paci ja ho mam s...
337 views8 commentsNerinko11/06/06 at 21:43Stefi: krasa