Need for Speed Galéria

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98 views2 commentsr7b20_7208/27/07 at 17:20tomko3009: bodykit zly a vynily zle inak ok Wink
Eclipse256 views4 commentsTokibu08/27/07 at 17:20r7b20_72: moze byt 5*
polymounth hemi cuda DRAG.jpg
Polymounth Hemi Cuda Drag248 views8 commentsjhony08/27/07 at 17:19tomko3009: veľmi dobra Very Happy
Camaro204 views5 commentsTokibu08/27/07 at 17:19r7b20_72: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
rekord138 views4 commentsRebel08/27/07 at 16:59wemenko: ja 20 milionov... ale potom som sa zobudil Laughing
Nissan 350Z letec_de[nismo].JPG
nissan 350Z391 views8 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 16:45S@M: disky nemaju chybu.... vinyl good len nieco mi v n...
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 16:43Lester: super zadnachiba 5*
c a m a r o110 views2 commentsr7b20_7208/27/07 at 16:43M0M00: klasika 5* super
rekord138 views4 commentsRebel08/27/07 at 16:42M0M00: ja som mal rekord asi 5 milionov
rekord138 views4 commentsRebel08/27/07 at 16:41sonny: len ja mam ps2 a dal som 4,5 miliona
seria  II nissan 240SX.JPG
nissan 240SX343 views6 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 16:37Remo: od teba tu boli lepsie cars ako je toto......mne s...
Nissan 350Z letec_de[nismo].JPG
nissan 350Z391 views8 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 16:36Remo: vynil na boku mohol byt plnsi.......ale tie disky ...
polymounth hemi cuda DRAG.jpg
Polymounth Hemi Cuda Drag248 views8 commentsjhony08/27/07 at 16:17M1nG: lol... Very Happy Krásna Cuda, velmi sa mi páči ta znač...
Nissan 350Z letec_de[nismo].JPG
nissan 350Z391 views8 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 15:45m27: na Zetko sa mi to zda taky prilis soft tuning ale ...
polymounth hemi cuda DRAG.jpg
Polymounth Hemi Cuda Drag248 views8 commentsjhony08/27/07 at 15:16jhony: pardon za to johny ked som to pisal tak som sa nep...
polymounth hemi cuda DRAG.jpg
Polymounth Hemi Cuda Drag248 views8 commentsjhony08/27/07 at 15:14spirit1232: nice Cool ...
seria  II nissan 240SX.JPG
nissan 240SX343 views6 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 14:28letec_de_haluz: ja ich tam mam
seria  II nissan 240SX.JPG
nissan 240SX343 views6 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 14:22jhony: tie bodky su na bodykite Idea
seria  II nissan 240SX.JPG
nissan 240SX343 views6 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 14:22m27: tento nissan je pekny ale vzdy budem mat najradsej...
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 14:20jhony: pekne spraveny akurat ine kola le to je vevc vkusu...
this is Lancer Evolution IX 329 views5 commentsS@M08/27/07 at 13:54M1nG: nice Cool
corvetka175 views2 commentsm2708/27/07 at 13:54M1nG: nemam slov... Very Happy
corvetka drift 2202 views6 commentsm2708/27/07 at 13:54M1nG: wow... Cool
Nissan 350Z letec_de[nismo].JPG
nissan 350Z391 views8 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 13:52M1nG: tie svetla by tam vobec nemuseli dat... tie hmlovk...
r/t144 views3 commentsr7b20_7208/27/07 at 13:38r7b20_72: tha dikky pekne
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 13:32M0M00: ludia nevie niekto ako stiahnut tie temy?
seria  II nissan 240SX.JPG
nissan 240SX343 views6 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 13:28letec_de_haluz: tie bodky na blatnikoch tam su original ale aj tak...
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 13:27sliki: pripadali mi 20 trochu nevirazne tak som to osolil...
Nissan 350Z letec_de[nismo].JPG
nissan 350Z391 views8 commentsletec_de_haluz08/27/07 at 13:27letec_de_haluz: myslis to ze je tak pretiahnuty dopredu
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 13:26mtk01: Tie nalepky nie su az tak zle, len to tam dost rus...
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 13:25letec_de_haluz: nice len kola si nemusel dat 21" ale inak 5*
350z197 views8 commentssliki08/27/07 at 13:25Laick: Pekné, len tie nálepky pôsobia trocha "od vec...
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