352 views15 commentscrazy frog10/16/07 at 19:00BREYTON: takeeeee....cerveeeneeee , nic ine ma nenap...
Peugeot 207CC-> Complet rebrush422 views11 commentsOki10/16/07 at 18:56Oki: m27: no ze ziadne casti okrem tych ktorych som nap...
Peugeot 207CC-> Complet rebrush422 views11 commentsOki10/16/07 at 18:55m27: sorac ale nwm co je complet rebrush vsvetli pls
Peugeot 207CC-> Complet rebrush422 views11 commentsOki10/16/07 at 18:40r7b20_72: pkeeekneee
Peugeot 207CC-> Complet rebrush422 views11 commentsOki10/16/07 at 18:33Oki: Nj, tie svetla som odflakol, len som ich nechcel d...
Peugeot 207CC-> Complet rebrush422 views11 commentsOki10/16/07 at 18:28m27: tie svetla az som sa zlakol sorac nepaci...
352 views15 commentscrazy frog10/16/07 at 18:23jhony: chdacik dufam ze ta v tom ustave pre dusevne chory...
Nissan 240SX281 views1 commentsrusty10/16/07 at 18:17m27: super nissan a aj screeny su brutalne ale tie kola...
rx7 reupload a cakam aj neake komenty lebo minule som mal az jeden aj to od Furola ktory je moj kamos410 views20 commentsm2710/16/07 at 17:30m27: dikes
256 views11 commentscrazy frog10/16/07 at 17:29m27: hmmm nemaju to afto ty zo serialu NCIS ??? :...
GOLF 395 views10 commentsCrazy_MC10/16/07 at 17:25m27: no mne sa vobec nepaci jak nevkusne vytunovany voj...
RX-8252 views4 commentsearl1110/16/07 at 17:15GT: uplna nadhera
rx7 reupload a cakam aj neake komenty lebo minule som mal az jeden aj to od Furola ktory je moj kamos410 views20 commentsm2710/16/07 at 17:14GT: mooooooooc peknaaaaaa mazdicka...urcite 5*
385 views8 commentslase10/16/07 at 16:57tomko3009: pači sa mi to veľmi 5*
GOLF 395 views10 commentsCrazy_MC10/16/07 at 16:54tomko3009: jedine čo sa mi na tom nepači je nasavač 4*...
Evo7329 views4 commentsOki10/16/07 at 16:53BMW M3: nema to chybu mne sa to velmi paci
rx7 reupload a cakam aj neake komenty lebo minule som mal az jeden aj to od Furola ktory je moj kamos410 views20 commentsm2710/16/07 at 16:44tomko3009: celkom sa mi to pači 5*
385 views8 commentslase10/16/07 at 16:37M1nG: placka... vinyl ujde...
385 views8 commentslase10/16/07 at 16:07sliki: dasa osobne 4*
NISSAN SKYLINE,komment and rating321 views7 commentshanT10/16/07 at 16:05[hunt]_sVk: thx all
385 views8 commentslase10/16/07 at 16:03lase: mozno poznate colina edwardsa (USA), on jazdil SBK...
GOLF 395 views10 commentsCrazy_MC10/16/07 at 16:02[hunt]_sVk: brzdy-modre.... no komment,viem ze sa to neda spra...
385 views8 commentslase10/16/07 at 15:58m27: hmmm no jak sportiak pre hollywoodske hviezdy :mrg...
rx7 reupload a cakam aj neake komenty lebo minule som mal az jeden aj to od Furola ktory je moj kamos410 views20 commentsm2710/16/07 at 15:55m27: ano ale uz nemam napaady lepse povedane mam zlozit...
my first VT291 views5 commentsluxan10/16/07 at 15:46BMW M3: mno to 350 Z mne sa as tak nepaci lebo mno tie el...
DRIFT STYLE365 views8 commentsValar10/16/07 at 15:44M1nG: 395-029-174 Po dlhšej dobe krásny Nissan... koneč...
rx7 reupload a cakam aj neake komenty lebo minule som mal az jeden aj to od Furola ktory je moj kamos410 views20 commentsm2710/16/07 at 15:40M1nG: Mno taký priemer... viac s lepšiemu.. ale aj tak z...
256 views11 commentscrazy frog10/16/07 at 15:39M1nG: SEREM... katastrofa...
352 views15 commentscrazy frog10/16/07 at 15:38M1nG: kriste pane...
privitam hocake rady a nazory. dik.247 views6 commentslase10/16/07 at 15:23kenny: wow al ekrídlo mal si ho nehať štock a kola vo fa...
222 views5 commentslase10/16/07 at 15:22kenny: vynyl je super nemám slov ty kokos a body daj neja...
Mustang247 views4 commentstimhko12310/16/07 at 15:20timhko123: no hej som to uz davno fotil