opät celica 198 views7 commentsspit11/07/07 at 09:29Yossarian: fakt pekne vinily..skoda toho podsvietenia...k sam...
clio241 views3 commentsspit11/07/07 at 09:25Yossarian: no neviem chlapci..ale uz len to auto...ze tuningu...
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/07/07 at 08:21k-9: preto nedam nato tuning lebo ajtag je to slabe aut...
HONDA CIVIC SI439 views9 commentsk-911/07/07 at 08:19k-9: aki madar cosi hhhhh a preco lol ????
coment plsss309 views9 commentsmaped2311/07/07 at 08:14DeRoy: no nahodou mne sa auto paci.
cooment please363 views17 commentsmaped2311/07/07 at 08:13DeRoy: chudak chlapec-spravy peknu karu chce sa s tym poc...
HONDA CIVIC SI439 views9 commentsk-911/07/07 at 00:41Yuri: lol magyar?
cooment please363 views17 commentsmaped2311/07/07 at 00:13Ä…ingi: newem jak vam ale mne tam nesadol ten modri neon i...
eclipse drift308 views5 commentsÄ…ingi11/07/07 at 00:12drifter3: čawko šingi maniak ked chces hrat po LAN-ke...
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/07/07 at 00:09Ä…ingi: heh k-9 ty mi trepes do hlavy ze ja mam skarede ka...
heh moja prva jazda... :D no,este ze je cele....318 views7 commentsDeli11/06/07 at 23:51drifter3: nj
239 views3 commentsDeli11/06/07 at 23:50drifter3: ona lubi lietat ne Deli ...cmuk :-*
Miata LowRide115 views4 commentsFastDevil11/06/07 at 23:35drifter3: dobre to je ale jedna vec sa mi nepaci ale upl...
Monaro243 views8 commentsCrazy_MC11/06/07 at 23:26drifter3: jj aj mne sa paci ....
COROLA sryza tie spetaky a za taky hnusny kontrast 312 views1 commentsCrazy_MC11/06/07 at 23:25drifter3: not bad , not bad..... 4*
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/06/07 at 23:20k-9: tag je som to tosku potlacil tahanie dozadu ...
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/06/07 at 23:17Ondriiis: jj ja som tiez za honda je podla mna uplne v pohod...
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/06/07 at 23:15k-9: hmmm aj keby som mal vic penize original honda viz...
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/06/07 at 23:14drifter3: ehm pise sa to Type-R
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/06/07 at 23:12pietro: chudak honda, takto ju doriadit ...
tipe-R ala k-9389 views12 commentsk-911/06/07 at 23:12wemenko: s predkolkou?
Audina TT203 views2 commentsmaped2311/06/07 at 23:03Crazy_MC: kurzor het a ta grafa presne __ 3*
cooment please363 views17 commentsmaped2311/06/07 at 23:02Crazy_MC: lol
pls koments a niake hodnetenie367 views4 commentsluxan11/06/07 at 22:54Crazy_MC: heh aky lol sipky
mein porsche lol228 views3 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:48Ä…ingi: noo nesom nový sprint1232 ja na tu stranku chodim ...
thaaa na spôsob nfs underground heh ale nebolo to umyselne 252 views4 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:46Ä…ingi: lol jj som taky vyrehotany typek lol ale to z toho...
tha murcielago288 views6 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:44Ä…ingi: nowed mne tiez nesedia na exotic nijake cackanice ...
60 sekund hehe len kusa lepsie lol ale neee340 views4 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:42Ä…ingi: jj wem
boha ja som zistil ze som zavisli na tuning sak mrknite : 1.drag racer-na praxi v skole, 2.nfs U2-na notebooku, 3.nfs Carbon-doma na PC, 4.Asphalt 3D-na mojom mobile kuaaa a to celi den len toto robym lol heh tha som normalny ci niesom sam?lol xD461 views15 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:38Ä…ingi: dik IGOR ale ja som to dal len tu fakkktttt prisah...
peugeot heh uz vidim tu krityku odvas lol na peugeot 206 nik nepovie nic dobre heh uz mam skusenost285 views4 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:35Ä…ingi: no jasneeee k-9 cital si si co som napisal k obraz...
lexus285 views5 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:34Ä…ingi: ok uz sa natom vinle pravuje dik
eclipse drift308 views5 commentsÄ…ingi11/06/07 at 22:33Ä…ingi: SLR Mc Laren ten vinl som si spravil zo styroch je...