2727 views11 commentsHector_SK12/26/07 at 16:47FuroL8: nice screen 5*
RX - 7227 views1 commentscross12/26/07 at 13:55Winky4: Ugliest RX7 i ever saw
SEAT296 views5 commentscross12/26/07 at 13:27cross: nejde stiahol som save bez patchu save som stiaho...
Big Fat Showcar278 views6 commentsm2712/26/07 at 13:20FuroL8: waw its really good, I like thoes disks ... its gr...
242 views3 commentsraceland112/26/07 at 13:20jullo: co?,? skade si to fotil ? s mobilu inac...
SEAT296 views5 commentscross12/26/07 at 13:17M0M00: akoto ze ti ide ten patch?
SEAT296 views5 commentscross12/26/07 at 13:14cross: a prepacte mi tu sipku na svetle
Nissan GT-R (R35)278 views7 commentsSway12/26/07 at 11:16S@M: velmi pekne.. priam krasne.. akurat kolesa nemusel...
Eagle Gallardo 211 views1 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 11:14S@M: colours.. wow
Zonda I271 views7 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 09:57m27: nedam
Zonda I271 views7 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 09:57SLR Mc Laren: m27:daj icq
Petirrojo - Red Chest216 views1 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 09:48Gorilaz: pekne zladene nadhera
Zonda I271 views7 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 09:26Gorilaz: Oh shit you are so stupid. and car is nice
Zonda I271 views7 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 09:11m27: that graphics rulz
Zonda I271 views7 commentsRayado12/26/07 at 08:41SLR Mc Laren: good car.graphic is cool.
.112 views1 commentsPredator2512/26/07 at 07:10Rayado: Simplicity combined with power and grace. Excellen...
ten iny ale s predu159 views3 commentspt_SNB12/26/07 at 07:08Rayado: Maybe other rims, stock spoiler and 2 or 3 more de...
Skyline DK ale s predu144 views1 commentspt_SNB12/26/07 at 07:04Rayado: Body is good, hood is nice, rims are ok. Color com...
350Z288 views6 commentsRazor365Z12/26/07 at 07:00Rayado: I like the body, rims and spoiler...side vinyls ar...
Nissan Silvia trochu ma inspirovala z tokyo drift408 views2 commentsRazor365Z12/26/07 at 06:58Rayado: Is not exactly the same but is a nice try. Love th...
Nissan GT-R (R35)237 views1 commentsSway12/26/07 at 01:15JOOZY: podareny screen 5*
Nissan GT-R (R35)278 views7 commentsSway12/26/07 at 01:15JOOZY: uzasne 5*
VT-od Dj Angel356 views10 commentsDj Angel12/26/07 at 00:47m27: si trapny faker
Honda Civic216 views3 commentsLuky12/26/07 at 00:45m27:
Nissan GT-R (R35)278 views7 commentsSway12/26/07 at 00:37m27: moc pekne ale nabuduce trosku menej screenov popro...
Big Fat Showcar278 views6 commentsm2712/25/07 at 23:55Remo: nooo vynil je dobry...no musim povedat,ze na SUV j...
Big Fat Showcar278 views6 commentsm2712/25/07 at 23:47kubobo29: viem ze tu mam male slovo ale asi by som dal ine d...
Honda Civic216 views3 commentsLuky12/25/07 at 23:34S@M: wow tak taketo sanie by stacilo aj santovi na turb...
Nissan GT-R (R35)278 views7 commentsSway12/25/07 at 23:31pulsi: je to perfekte jednozacne 5*
Nissan GT-R (R35)278 views7 commentsSway12/25/07 at 23:10spirit1232: no je to prostě krása...jak sem uz říkal ...5...
Big Fat Showcar278 views6 commentsm2712/25/07 at 23:07jullo: hmmmm....niceeee5* a konecne ide upload
Big Fat Showcar278 views6 commentsm2712/25/07 at 23:05spirit1232: moc pěkné...dej už pokoj s těmi vánocemi....a v ku...