SLR McLaren295 views9 comments*911*12/29/07 at 22:24wegeta: neni to zle len ta grafa robi blby dojem
SLR McLaren295 views9 comments*911*12/29/07 at 22:22Crazy_MC: mne sa widi ze to je HOWIENKOWA
SLR McLaren295 views9 comments*911*12/29/07 at 22:21*911*: strieborno-svetlo šeda...asi..nvm...daka taka
taxi396 views11 commentswegeta12/29/07 at 22:19spirit1232: hh super
taxi396 views11 commentswegeta12/29/07 at 22:18Crazy_MC: uz wolam
SLR McLaren295 views9 comments*911*12/29/07 at 22:18wegeta: pls to je aka farba strieborno- aka
taxi396 views11 commentswegeta12/29/07 at 22:14wegeta: zavolaj na to cislo mozno sa dozvies ...
no az tieto kolesa su zle tak si zjem ponozku(obrazne povedane :-))273 views7 commentsjhony12/29/07 at 22:12Crazy_MC: lolok nax zjec si ponozku lllloooollllok ale 5* mn...
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 22:10wegeta: super auto *5 napad 55555555555555555555555*
taxi396 views11 commentswegeta12/29/07 at 22:08M1nG: no s takým to už hej... kožko na kilometer berieš?...
taxi396 views11 commentswegeta12/29/07 at 22:06kenny: no jo zviezol by som sa
civic v garazi237 views3 commentsRipCurl0712/29/07 at 22:03White_Wolf: mne sa to nepaci tie vynily na kapote ee ta 3,5* ...
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 22:02tichac 1993: m27 presne!!!!
Vauxhall Monaro VXR269 views6 commentsFuroL812/29/07 at 21:57Crazy_MC: pridawam sa montaz jhe nice a afto je taktez krasa...
Vauxhall Monaro VXR269 views6 commentsFuroL812/29/07 at 21:54Remo: montaz je fakt dobra... ....aa co sa tyka auta...
Ford Focus STi307 views10 commentsAja_de[haluz]12/29/07 at 21:50spirit1232: já zapomněl na auto ...super!...5*
Ford Focus STi307 views10 commentsAja_de[haluz]12/29/07 at 21:49FuroL8: naaaaaaaaaaadhera, je to fakt uuzasny focus .....
ASTEK 240SX FOR DRIFT308 views24 commentsASTEK12/29/07 at 21:47FuroL8: velmi pekna kaara ... 5*
Vauxhall Monaro VXR269 views6 commentsFuroL812/29/07 at 21:47m27: mne sa ta montaz paci taka akcna skoda ze sa na sc...
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:46spirit1232: super nápad
ASTEK 240SX FOR DRIFT308 views24 commentsASTEK12/29/07 at 21:45Remo: fakt toto vyslo.....5*
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:45m27: to horne je super
To be continued :)298 views1 commentsKOrenKO12/29/07 at 21:45M1nG: no zatiaž vyzerá vežmi dobre...
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:42KOrenKO: mal si ho odfotit este napr naburane na drahe a od...
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:40M1nG: no tak toto je fakt super pánečku... som sa...
242 views6 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:38Mates: ved preto ho tam ani nedavam
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:35Mates: bude aj pokracovanie ale az zajtra, a este musim v...
ASTEK 240SX FOR DRIFT308 views24 commentsASTEK12/29/07 at 21:33Mates: 5*
PIMP MY RIDE343 views12 commentsMates12/29/07 at 21:31Crazy_MC: karsa a lolo good idea 5*