eclipse411 views11 commentsmatto01/15/08 at 15:15m27: nj to bude tym bodykitom
boha ja som zistil ze som zavisli na tuning sak mrknite : 1.drag racer-na praxi v skole, 2.nfs U2-na notebooku, 3.nfs Carbon-doma na PC, 4.Asphalt 3D-na mojom mobile kuaaa a to celi den len toto robym lol heh tha som normalny ci niesom sam?lol xD461 views15 commentsÄ…ingi01/15/08 at 14:07ADS: nevem nepacia sa mi nic extra
eclipse411 views11 commentsmatto01/15/08 at 13:58ADS: nesedia mi tam blatniky
eclipse411 views11 commentsmatto01/15/08 at 12:04sliki: podla mna pekne len prilis velky decal na boku ina...
eclipse411 views11 commentsmatto01/15/08 at 11:46m27: ten cierny tvaar je z two tone a neda sa posuvat ...
Pontiac Solstice GXP289 views2 commentsSway01/15/08 at 10:06m27: krasny screen
Pontiac Solstice GXP336 views4 commentsSway01/15/08 at 10:06m27: suhlasim so spiritom
eclipse411 views11 commentsmatto01/15/08 at 09:47TWOQAN: ktori blazon moze dat 1*?ja davam 5* lebo je to uz...
350Z258 views4 commentsMouse01/15/08 at 01:36LEAX: pekne moderne farby .. ale skor by sa hodili tie f...
466 views9 commentsJOOZY01/15/08 at 00:21JOOZY: ooo dik moc necakal som take kladne ohlasy
504 views24 commentsJOOZY01/15/08 at 00:20JOOZY: dik moc seckym