subaru :)315 views5 commentschipso11/24/09 at 14:41adoking:
SUBARU caricature :)368 views9 commentsMatúš9111/24/09 at 14:40adoking: LOL ale pekne
Wild Street539 views24 commentszip_mdd11/24/09 at 14:39adoking: wow great man
Wild Street539 views24 commentszip_mdd11/24/09 at 14:09Skalli: krása..
Wild Street539 views24 commentszip_mdd11/24/09 at 14:01zip_mdd: thx...
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/24/09 at 13:59miro423: :O
Wild Street539 views24 commentszip_mdd11/24/09 at 13:58miro423: awesome!
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/24/09 at 13:53zip_mdd: yeah... congrats bro...!!! i took second place... ...
TOYOTA COROLLA355 views2 commentsLEYMRISH11/24/09 at 10:59DriftKing: noo.. body by sa aj dalo, farebná kombinácia vinyl...
1st screen317 views2 commentsTnr.Jerry11/24/09 at 09:19LEYMRISH: screen je dobry ale auto sa mi moc neluby:(
subaru :)315 views5 commentschipso11/24/09 at 07:53the_bart: ciňani,otec ti zoženie kvalitne z usa
SUBARU caricature :)368 views9 commentsMatúš9111/24/09 at 07:36the_bart: super,krasne,len nejako sa mi tie kolea pozdavaju ...
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/23/09 at 23:33Matúš91: fuuha kraasna S2000ka.... super
subaru :)315 views5 commentschipso11/23/09 at 23:14chipso: no mozme si na brzdach volske oka vysmazat :lo...
subaru :)315 views5 commentschipso11/23/09 at 23:03wegeta: riadne jebe na brzdy
Proshot338 views23 commentsAliRemix1011/23/09 at 23:01AliRemix10: ok ///: Tokibu ja som ti uz poslal ale teraz nemoz...
Proshot338 views23 commentsAliRemix1011/23/09 at 22:56filipIZ : Aliremix09 mam skype tak ked si ta pridam sa ozvem...
????koda 100/130RS515 views18 commentsHospodin11/23/09 at 22:27masovypacifista: no fasa krasne to je mat takyto import v reale tak...
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/23/09 at 22:26masovypacifista: suhlas s momoom.....v shifte sa daju spravit naoza...
345 views9 commentsMayoor11/23/09 at 22:25M0M00: Decal tomu vazne chyba ale inac je to cool
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/23/09 at 22:24M0M00: Klobuk dolu toto je naj auto z shiftu ake tu bolo ...
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/23/09 at 21:55adoking: DK: je taka sutaz 1-14 a 16 prostreet wonder 1-3 c...
Proshot338 views23 commentsAliRemix1011/23/09 at 21:55AliRemix10: ja viem a pod na skype a sa regni na Lockerz konec...
1. place " Unlimited S2000 Š " by Reemus 768 views30 commentsReemus11/23/09 at 21:53AliRemix10: DK pod na skype