350 views10 commentsBRIDE07/07/08 at 11:31DRGY: neni zle 5*
350 views10 commentsBRIDE07/07/08 at 11:26BRIDE: EE BACK ANI NE vlastne toto uz ani nehravam iba z ...
277 views3 commentsBRIDE07/07/08 at 11:23BRIDE: PLS KOMENT
350 views10 commentsBRIDE07/07/08 at 11:22m27: BRIDE is back?? no nieje to zle ale ani uz...
350 views10 commentsBRIDE07/07/08 at 11:22BRIDE: PLS KOMENT
Pači sa vám ???????????????,,, 186 views11 commentsBRIDE06/29/08 at 10:23Marcelik26: to je klasa
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE05/21/08 at 12:16Lancer: no naozaj neuveritelne dokonala pracicka urcite...
Pači sa vám ???????????????,,, 186 views11 commentsBRIDE05/21/08 at 12:13Lancer: wau...nadherne evo ... klobuk dole bracho
244 views6 commentsBRIDE05/05/08 at 17:36Willl: Nadhera
270 views8 commentsBRIDE03/04/08 at 18:07fonzi86: take jednoduche a pekne
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE03/04/08 at 18:06fonzi86: pekne
226 views2 commentsBRIDE02/10/08 at 19:30Plazer: celkom pekne kridlo mohlo byt ine
Ktore afto je krajsie nissan co som tu mal vcera,Mazda alebo Evo266 views8 commentsBRIDE01/25/08 at 10:00Plazer: zly uhol fotenia jeto stoho vela newidim ale takto...
Co na to449 views8 commentsBRIDE01/25/08 at 09:58Plazer: nic moc
a toto je moje naj423 views2 commentsBRIDE01/25/08 at 09:57Plazer: jatkyyyyyyy ta audina sama os ebe nevyzera dobre a...
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/14/07 at 21:59Coma: Kamos totalne perfektneeee 55555555
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/14/07 at 21:15GT: len aby si sa nezalubil Takanawa
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/13/07 at 21:27Takanawa: Si kral u mna si kral drift aut v pro street toto ...
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/13/07 at 20:21GT: s tym musela byt pracicka 5*
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/13/07 at 17:36ASTEK: mamicka moja 5*
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/13/07 at 16:59jhony: si sa trafil presne do cierneho 5*
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/13/07 at 16:10JOOZY: no tak toto uz hej 5*
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/13/07 at 10:20k-9: pekne
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/12/07 at 22:43Crazy_MC: ty kokos brutalna krasa tak toto ti muselo asik dl...
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/12/07 at 22:39D1 Drifter: WOW 5000000*
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/12/07 at 22:16wemenko: naaadhera
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/12/07 at 22:15m27: no naprosto kraaaaaaaaaasne 5* nemozem sa vynadiva...
to je mon naj drift tátoš 604 views16 commentsBRIDE12/12/07 at 22:11BRIDE: rating ale co ma mrzi ze to tu nevidno tak dobre a...
TO JE stroj586 views13 commentsBRIDE12/09/07 at 22:53Coma: velmo peknucke BMW 55555555555
TO JE stroj586 views13 commentsBRIDE12/04/07 at 18:11R!$Q0: moe afto je vyborne len ma najviac jebe ze seci ma...
TO JE stroj586 views13 commentsBRIDE12/04/07 at 15:07S@M: mensie decaly an kapote by som dal a taktiez aj ko...
TO JE stroj586 views13 commentsBRIDE12/04/07 at 08:16ASTEK: no fasa krasa 5*