Not bad...Body and decalwork is pretty nice but I think you should change basic colour...this dark blue doesn't look so cool with white rims and stuff...but the rest is pretty the way Sp1t1Cz ak mysliš štýl, tak to sa piše style nie still
tým som myslel každého okrem mňa //: lepšie povedané toho kto tomu nerozumie aby tomu rozumel, čisto teoreticky ak tomu nerozumieš tak aj teba ale myslím že tomu rozumieš len tomu nerozumieš, chapeme sa //: klud klud, nerob flame prosímťa pre takú debilinu ..
tak mňa nemysli, anglinu viem pomaly lepšie jak slovenčinu, takže mňa radšej nemysli...stačilo len keby si hneč v tom prvom komente nenapisal "vy tupci" ale Sp1t1Cz alebo čo chceš.....
@Ondra... there are team vinyls also... @PasherGreedy... it's not just simple dark blue... looks closer at details i chose it cuz i have small hope to get one of this Fords...
P.S. thank you everyone
tim ze jsem napsal "you have a still" jsem chtel rict ze tento vynil je u zip_mdd normalni ale to ste vy vsichny tu nemohli vedet protoze jsem toho moc najevo nedal....
The stickerbomb part looks a bit disappointing imo, lots of empty space back there, but I know that it is probably caused by lack of layers. basically there are no more things I don't like, but I just don't like this when it all comes together. The thing I like for a change, is the decal placement... 3*
P.S. thank you everyone