File information |
Filename: | Need_for_Speed_The_Run_2012-08-10_19-47-18-44_bmp.jpg |
Album name: | DR. Drift / NFS The Run |
Filesize: | 462 KiB |
Date added: | Aug 11, 2012 |
Dimensions: | 1509 x 735 pixels |
Displayed: | 310 times |
DateTime Original: | 2012:08:10 19:47:18 |
EXIF Image Height: | 735 pixels |
EXIF Image Width: | 1509 pixels |
EXIF Interoperability Offset: | 228 |
EXIF Offset: | 96 |
EXIF Version: | version 2.2 |
Software: | Picasa |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |
inak ta sniperka tam čo v strede, grafika tez nič moc na tom screene, matne auto ničm oc